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How to solve Firebase "failed to resolve"

I spent 5 days trying to solve this simple error. If you try to add Firebase to your project through Android Studio Firebase menu, you may have this problem.

DESCRIPTION: Firebase is connected and so firebase:firebase-core:XX.X.X works, but then you wanto add a realtime database or the authentication package and the you find the next error:

Failed to resolve: firebase-database-15.0.0

I don't know why Firebase adds old versions to your project instead of the latest stable version, but here's the solution.

Just change your

implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''

to the last version of each Firebase package (here) which, at the moment of writing this post, were the following:

implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''

And everything will be working fine.

NOTE: Also, follow the instructions of the Firebase website to add a project manually (instead of using Firebase menu in Android Studio), which are shown when you add a project from the Firebase website, and that only implies a little bit more of work:

Add this to your gradle at "Project" level, inside the dependencies section
classpath ''

And this to the end of the file of your gradle at "App" level
apply plugin: ''
